From: "Phil Rembleski" <>



Sent: Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 5:57 AM

Subject: 3-22-24 THOUGHTS

3-22-24   THOUGHTS    

May our hearts be encouraged in this morning’s reading.  The elements of that encouragement are listed as: being “knit together in love” and “the wealth that comes from a full assurance of understanding, a true knowledge of Christ”.   We find all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge in Christ!  Discipline and stability of faith were complimented.  These are told to walk in Christ!  The words “rooted”, “built up” and “established” are significant.  Faith is the subject.  Finally, Paul directs them to a “overflowing gratitude”!  Completeness in THE HEAD ends the reading.  When we see Jesus, we see God!  It is good for us to walk in Christ Jesus.

Col 2:1-10    For I want you to know how great a struggle I have on your behalf and for those who are at Laodicea, and for all those who have not personally seen my face, 2  that their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love, and attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God’s mystery, that is, Christ Himself, 3  in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. 4   I say this so that no one will delude you with persuasive argument. 5  For even though I am absent in body, nevertheless I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good discipline and the stability of your faith in Christ.  6  Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, 7  having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude. 8  See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.  9  For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, 10  and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority;

My Prayer:
Father, make us complete in the One who is complete.  Build us up, and firmly root our faith.  Encourage our hearts as we love one another with  pure love.  May our mutual love increase and abound.  Give us discipline and stability to grow our faith.  Help us to walk as we believe.  Teach us to overflow with gratitude, as we witness Your majesty in all that we see and know.
In the name of Jesus,     Amen.